Happy New Year! It’s 2022 and we are excited for what is in store for Project Big this year. We ended 2021 with the #go215 challenge as a way to exercise our faith and plant seeds toward the goal of seeing 215 million dollars flow into our community. It was so inspiring to see many of you stepping out in faith and taking on this challenge. Thank you to those of you who shared your stories and support on social media. We will be sharing some of those stories later in this update.
Fundraising Update
As of Thursday, Jan 20th, 2022, we have received $4,378,843 and have an additional $2,207,811 committed toward the Project. This means we have received nearly 55% of the first milestone! Praise God.
Praise Report from the Prayer Team
Here is a quick story of God’s faithfulness already becoming evident in this project. Back in October 2021, the prayer team felt the need to focus on praying for the soil where the new construction would begin. Unbeknownst to them, at that very same time, soil samples were being taken for analysis by geotechnical engineers. The results of this soil analysis would determine how to best build new structures in those particular areas. The engineers had expected the new soil samples to be similar to previous samples taken from the church building’s current location, but they were surprised to find the new samples came back different! The report we received this month showed the soil is composed in such a way that it will cost less than they originally estimated to lay the foundations! When the construction team found out that the prayer team had specifically prayed over the soil, they were in awe. It is amazing how God works in the details to display His goodness.
Making Room for the New
In early December, our staff had a work day to clean out the former DSM building that will be part of the first stage of renovation and construction of the new Victory Life Academy. There were so many things that had been accumulated over 30+ years of ministry that were no longer useful to us and had been taking up space. We were able to donate many of these items to a ministry in Ghana, Africa, Maranatha Power Ministries, who are beginning a church building project of their own. The staff loaded up books, school desks, curriculum, furniture, media equipment, and even 2 vehicles in a semi-trailer to be shipped overseas, all for the purpose of reaching thousands for Jesus.

What a blessing to be able to sow these items into another ministry and make way for our next step. Even in preparation for the new things God will be doing in this building, the old things still have value and will be used to bless others.
215 Challenge Stories
As exciting as it will be to post progress updates of new construction and buildings being erected, (we can hardly wait!) we are just as excited to see people catching the larger vision of what Project Big is all about. These stories show a heart for our community and how people live from a place of generosity and not poverty. These are just a few ways God was able to use your willingness and generosity to bless others in our community. What a wonderful thing to partner with God in seeing His Kingdom come to Durant and the surrounding area.
“I had to run by the store on my way home…got what I needed and got in line. While I was waiting I heard a voice say “I guess I’ll just have to put some stuff back.” Then I realized what was going on…the elderly man in front of me didn’t have enough money to pay for all his groceries. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me I had a $20 bill in my purse. I gave the cashier the money. The man turned around and with tears in his eyes asked me why I would do such a thing. I told him that I just felt like I was supposed to. He was so grateful he began to weep…I began to weep. He thanked me and with tears streaming down his face said “God bless you”. As he thanked me, I thanked God that I had the money to give. I was once in his shoes…It felt really good to be on the giving end.”
“I donated 200 and 15 to Charis students mission funds.”
“…We ended our day with our sweet girl taking 15 minutes to pack up 2 meals so we could go find “hungry people to bless”, her words. As a family, we participated in our churches #GO215 challenge and fed a couple homeless gentlemen walking on the side of the road. One gentleman, Colin said “I can’t believe you put blueberries in here! They’re my favorite fruit.” I’m so thankful the Lord uses even the smallest simplest moments, the desires and obedience of our children, coupled with our help to make someone feel seen, loved, and valued on truly the best day of the year!!”
“Project Big is about people. Two waitresses were given fifteen-dollar tips each.”
“Today [we] went to Walmart and got a kid from the tree and passed out cash to other customers shopping telling them to have lunch on us all equal to 215 dollars. That’s important for many reasons. One we got to bless others which makes us super happy. 2 because our church is believing for 215 million dollars to bless the community. On the way home I was almost in tears because I remember 3 years ago I struggled to give 20 dollars to a conference. 20 dollars made me sweat. This week alone I have given 430 dollars away and got a car. I still do the same job, my husband still does the same job. In fact I work less and so does he. But what changed is we started to tithe. We started being faithful even in our fear. And I heard a pastor say you can’t out give God and we try but God is always faithful we never run out of money even when it seams there is no other way. The love of money kept me in fear and poverty. Give God your money and he will grow you and your blessing to others.”
“I went to McKinney yesterday and drove through the automatic car wash. The attendant there that dried off my car and then cleaned the wheels was very nice and I asked him if he had kids. He said yes ma’am I have 4. So I gave him a $215 tip!! As I was pulling off, he was telling his boss and wiping tears from his eyes and pointing at my car!! My heart swelled and then I might have had to wipe a tear or two of my own.”
Wow! These aren’t even all the stories of people who participated in the 215 challenge. Thank you for your willingness to participate in what God is doing. We hope these stories encouraged and challenged you to trust God and to continue praying and believing for BIG things this year. Be blessed!