We are not just a church in our city. We are a church for our city! This means we are dedicated to seeing our city flourish and its people transformed by Jesus. Due to the shared space with our school, our current facilities have had to stay closed and secured during the week. After this project is complete, we will be able to open our home up to our city throughout the week. This will provide meeting space for deeper connections, a venue for large community gatherings, and increased influence through future conferences.

Church Front Entrance

Church Rear Entrance

Narthex/Common Area

Narthex/Common Area Interior

Academy Aerial Overview

Front of Academy

Full Project Aerial Overview
Latest Update
- $14,100,000 75%
- $14,100,000 75%
Milestone 1
- Pre-Construction Planning / Moving
- New School Buildings
- New School Parking Lot
- New Church Parking Lot
- Landscape Development
- TBD 0%
- TBD 0%
Milestone 2
- New Youth Area
- New Children’s Area
- New Admin Area
- Narthex/Common Area
- New Sanctuary
- TBD 0%
- TBD 0%
Milestone 3
- Additional Parking
VLC History & Future
Victory Life Family Worship Center Founded
Tom Johnson founded Victory Life Family Worship Center in his... -
Moved to Double Wide Trailer
Pastor Steve Mills moved Victory Life Church to the Double... -
Pastor Duane became pastor of VLC / VLA Founded
In February, Pastor Duane became Lead Pastor of Victory Life... -
- 1996
Fire in Chapel/Children’s Church Area
A fire destroyed the Chapel/Children’s Church and caused extensive damage... - 2003
- 2010
Remodel for Pastor’s Admin Building Complete
The original Zoe building was remodeled to accommodate the pastors... - 2022
Milestone 2 Complete
We anticipate that Milestone 2 will be finished between the... -
Milestone 3 Complete
We anticipate that Milestone 3 will be finished between the...
The total fundraising goal will cover the cost of all the proposed construction and renovation for both Victory Life Church and Legacy Christian School. This is a partnership between both organizations to see this vision accomplished for the benefit of both.
The new school buildings are slated to be completed as part of Milestone 1 which includes the pre-construction, moving, new school buildings, and parking/landscaping. When you give toward Project Big, you are helping to fund the entire project. We understand that some may have a desire to give directly toward funding the school’s portion of the construction, you can do that on their Project Big page here.
Milestone 1
*These gauges round to the nearest full percent.
*Committed amounts reflect funds that have been promised
towards this project but have not yet been received as a donation.

Will there be any debt at the end of this project?
What is the projected timeline for each Milestone?
The duration of the project will depend on how quickly the funds are raised but our best estimates at the outset of the project are as follows:
- Milestone 1 construction complete: Spring 2024
- Milestone 2 construction complete: Between Summer of 2024 and Spring of 2026
- Milestone 3 construction complete: Between Summer of 2026 and Fall of 2026
Why "Project Big"?
We wanted to choose something that inspires our members to break out of old mindsets and paradigms that have kept God’s people thinking small. We believe that God is calling us to be bold and challenge the poverty and lack mentality that has been plaguing our region for too long. While praying and brainstorming as a team, the word BIG kept coming into our conversation. We know that this project is big, but we felt the Holy Spirit saying that this is about more than a building campaign. We serve a big God “who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think… (Eph. 3:20)” We believe God is calling us to be a people of BIG Faith, BIG Dreams, and BIG Prayers – not just for this project but for our families, our city, and our future! And so with all of those things in our heart we decided to call this endeavor… *drumroll please*
“Project BIG”
Now you may be thinking to yourself, ok that’s cool, but does B.I.G. stand for anything? Well, we gave that some thought and came up with some pretty cheesy ideas that we laughed about in the meeting. Then God dropped something in our hearts that is simple, admittedly a bit corny, but captured our hearts for this project… “It’s BIG… Because It’s God.” So, as we inevitably begin to challenge those old mindsets of small thinking in ourselves and in others, remember that yes this project is big, so big that we can’t do it on our own, so big that it’s only possible if God shows up… It’s BIG, Because It’s God.
How does Project BIG fit with our mission of seeing people transformed by Jesus?
Project Big is our response to the vision God has been cultivating within this ministry for decades. Our mission to see people transformed by Jesus means making disciples of Jesus who are people of Big Faith, who dream Big Dreams and pray Big Prayers – knowing we have a Big God who is able to do more than we could ask, think or imagine! This project is the next step in achieving this purpose, enabling us to fulfill what God has placed us in this city, at this moment, to accomplish.
Who should I share this with?
Share this with anyone you like, in fact, it’d be a great idea to have a group of people you are partnering in prayer with as we endeavor to see this project completed. Encourage each other, stir each other up, and challenge each other to have BIG Faith and to Dream Big.
How will we maintain our normal operations during construction?
We’ve already been moving and shuffling office spaces in preparation for this project and are committed to keeping our normal operations going. We’ll be in constant communication with the General Contractor and other Project leaders to ensure the least possible disruption and best possible experience for our service and event attendees. We’ll also endeavor to keep our congregation informed on any anticipated traffic flow or parking changes as they arise.