by Sarah Shain | Aug 20, 2021
That I might find peace. Peace in the job that I have. Peace in the vehicle that I will have paid off in a year or two. Peace in the place I will stay that is affordable. Peace in the husband I will have and children I will raise. And Peace in the house he will build...
by Sarah Shain | Aug 20, 2021
Such a growth in ministry that is goes beyond building, cities, towns, and nations. That it envelopes the world twice over, a blessing even the hardest of hearts as they turn toward God. Familial atmosphere and one of acceptance and love.
by Sarah Shain | Aug 20, 2021
For Victory Life to surpass money goals in record time; complete building project under budget!! For God to freely move in all services and lives of all who call VL home!! For God to continue guiding our leaders to impact our communities!! To be a light set up on a...
by Sarah Shain | Aug 20, 2021
1. Physical healing: Particularly left hip & both knees. GERD. Afib. Breast cancer. DVTs. Sinus issues. 2. Relationships restored completely. 3. Salvations: Jadia, Jeffrey, Dee, Cody, Dillion, Ginny, Stephen, Morgan. 4. Prodigals Return: J.B. & wife, M.E....
by Sarah Shain | Aug 20, 2021
To fly a jet.
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